Soon - A Fisher Poem
In Alaska this time of year, it's pretty hard to not be thinking about fishing... So as all my fisher friends and family prepare to throw that first buoy, here's a little fisher poem to get the season going. Have any fisher poems you'd like to share? Please message me - I would love to hear yours!!

Crouched on the bow, Sleep crusting my eyelids half-shut,
I breathe in the stillness.
Ripples echo silently
Against the aluminum hull.
Mast lights twinkle with stars
In the pre-dawn sky.
The fleet sleeps.
Soon, the skipper will rev the engine.
The boat will lurch forward.
I’ll yank the lever
And the shrill squeak
Of the anchor winch
Will pierce my reverie
Like a flock of gossiping kittiwakes.
Chain will rattle, and my gloved hand
Will force each icy link
To its proper place.
Soon, I’ll switch on the RSW,
And its familiar whine will mix with
The aroma of perking coffee
And diesel.
I’ll scoop orange globs
Of powdered Gateraid
Into my water bottle,
While Ibuprofen numbs
My swollen and cracked hands.
The hour will strike
And the skipper will signal,
Undetectable but to me.
The buoy will fly
And the net will whirl behind it,
Out into the chop.
Sharp as Victorinoxes,
My eyes will send the message
To the hand manning the break
Almost before it even happens.
Someone will shout, “Jumper!”
And the laugh lines
Around the skipper’s eyes will crinkle
Like a little boy’s
On Christmas morning.
“Which side do you think
They’re hittin’ from?” he’ll ask,
And hook the net into the current
Whether I shrug my shoulders or not.
A school will light up the net:
Brilliant white and blue fireworks –
More exhilarating
Than any Fourth of July exhibition
I’ll unhook the gear.
Pow! Pow! Pow!
The plunger will echo,
Metallic against hard sea,
As wild and robust as my heartbeat.
Another hit, then another.
“They’re poppin’ like popcorn,”
The skipper will bellow.
And for a moment, I’ll feel invincible.
Soon, I will snap mesh from gills
With a practiced flip of my wrist.
And nimbly slide 5/8” web
Over sleek, fat salmon bellies,
Once, twice,
Three hundred times an hour.
I will lift a hatch cover
And guide thousands of pounds
Of bled reds
Into a hold of arctic sea water
With a gentle nudge of an Xtra Tuf.
My co-deckhand will pass
A steaming mug of burnt casserole
And I’ll scarf it one-handedly,
All the while leading the mast line
In a tedious dance
Over the power roller’s bunny ears,
Thinking –
For what must be the six-millionth time, “There’s got to be
A more efficient way…”
I’ll switch my tired, wet hoodie
For another salt-encrusted one
On the preface of having to pee.
The VHF will crackle
And all day, I’ll seasaw
Between genuine affection
For every Pete, Todd and Larry,
Who quell my boredom
With their stupid antidotes
And blatant boasting,
And red, hot rage
For the white torture
Of their monotonous drones,
So strong that, sometimes,
It takes every ouch of willpower
Not to rip that loudspeaker
Off its mount under the bridge
And hurl it unapologetically into the swell.
Soon, we’ll loose the race
Against the clock
And end up round hauling
The last two shackles,
Stress dripping from our brows
To the beat of the second hand.
On the run to the tender,
We’ll pick and restack
And when we’re done,
I'll scrub the galley floor,
Scrapping scales
Off the silverware drawer
With a maxed-out credit card,
Not even bothering t
To wonder at the irony
Of the silverware drawer
Being cleaner than me.
Soon, I’ll rip the lassoing tie-up line
Out of the sky.
The boat will ease alongside the tender
And I’ll meld the stiff yellow fibers
Around the cleat like butter.
We’ll hook and unhook brailers
In rapid succession,
Fingers spinning above our heads,
A signal to the crane operator
As we hop out of the way,
Surprisingly nimble with three layers
Of fleece under our Grundens.
Soon, we’ll pull away from that tender,
And hose in hand,
I’ll shimmy across the deck
Belting Tenacious D
While my co-deckhand dips brailers
In between fits of girlish giggles.
Then, we’ll bicker pettily
Over which flavor of ice cream
To buy from the fuel barge.
Sunbeams the color of salmon
Will drip slowly below the horizon.
The crew will huddle around
A dog-eared Captain Jack
At the galley table,
Sipping grog from chipped mugs
As the boat maneuvers into the slough.
And I’ll meander back up there,
Ready to set the anchor.
But for now, it’s just me.
Standing on the bow.
In the stillness.
And there’s no other bliss Quite like it.